Have rabbits been part of ancient Egypt?

Yes, rabbits have been a part of ancient Egypt. They were known to the ancient Egyptians and held cultural and symbolic significance.

The exact species of rabbit they were referring to is not always clear, as the term "rabbit" was used broadly to describe small mammals with similar characteristics. It is believed that the rabbits commonly depicted in ancient Egyptian art were likely the African Savannah hare (Lepus microtis) or the Cape hare (Lepus capensis), which are native to the region.

In ancient Egyptian culture, rabbits were associated with fertility and rebirth. They were seen as symbols of abundance and were often depicted in art and hieroglyphics. The association with fertility likely stemmed from the rapid reproduction rate of rabbits, as they are known for their prolific breeding habits.

Rabbits and hares (closely related to rabbits) were also associated with the moon in ancient Egyptian beliefs. The hare was considered a sacred animal and was believed to possess magical and protective powers. The likeness of hares and rabbits appeared in amulets, jewelry, and other religious artifacts.

While not as prominent as some other animals in ancient Egyptian mythology and symbolism, the presence of rabbits in ancient Egypt showcases their recognition and significance in the culture of that time.

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