Rabbit related terminology

Agouti: A coat pattern. The colour of a wild rabbit. White underneath and generally beige on top interspersed with longer black guard hairs.
Albino: A white rabbit with pink eyes
Baby coat: The coat of a rabbit up to around four months old.
Base colour: Coat colour next to the skin.
Blaze: White marking between the eyes running down the nose.
Brindling: Coloured or white hairs interspersed in the main coat colour.
Buck: A male rabbit.
Butterfly: A marking on the nose of some breeds that looks like a butterfly.
Cony/Coney: A rabbit.
Crepuscular: Active in the morning and evening.
Dewlap: The area of loose skin on the front of the neck.
Doe: A female rabbit.
Guard hairs: The longer stronger hairs within the coat.
Hare: Kindling: The birth of a litter.
Kitten: A baby rabbit.
Laurice: A very young or unborn rabbit
Litter: Collective term for the young from one pregnancy.
Lop Ear: Ears that fall vertically to the ground.
Pseudo pregnancy: A female rabbit exhibiting all the signs of a pregnancy but not producing any young.
Rex: A velvety luxurious coat with no guard hairs.
Scut: Another word for a rabbit's tail.
Ticking: Hairs of a different colour to the main coat shown by the guard hairs only.
Wall eye: A blue eye of a different colour to the other eye.